50 Years After

Über das Großartige der Agenturen des Machens im europäischen Städte- und Wohnungsbau der 1960er Jahre

The urban design and housing discourse of the post-war reconstruction era in Europe is considered a spatial manifesto that moved into a phase of consolidation and intensification in the 1960s. Five presentations by international experts will introduce selected examples of European urban development and large-scale housing from this period, with the goal of challenging today’s urban-planning practices and exposing the “formative potentials” of the time: How were planning and appropriation, intention and everyday practice, standardisation and deviation intertwined? Which social, political, and economic structures were behind the urban development projects, and can they be transferred to present-day planning and building strategies? Under which conditions could the tremendous energy invested in planning, which facilitated experimentation with radical renewal, “meaningfully” return to contemporary planning culture?

Jahr 2016
Sprecherinnen und SprecherTom Avermaete (Antwerfen)
Maren Harnack (Frankfurt am Main)
Owen Hatherley (London)
Michelle Provoost (Rotterdam)
Stalker / Francesco Careri, Giulia Fiocca, Lorenzo Romito (Rom)
ModeratorMichael Zinganel (Wien)
Kuratorinnen und KuratorenDaniela Herold, Michael Rieper, Bernd Vlay
Links www.50yearsafter.at
Typ Architektur, Symposium
MVD Martin Embacher, Michael Rieper