20 Years: KKA Artists in Residence

Twenty years ago, KulturKontakt Austria (KKA) started an artist-in-residence program and has hosted 248 artists from eastern and southern Europe ever since. There are very few programs that have been pursued over such an extended period and with such dedication as this one. This continuity accounts for part of the success and prominence of the program. Many of the participating artists come back to Austria after their first experience here, actively participating in Austria’s art scene, and have become important bridge-builders between the East and the West. This artist-in-residence program has thus become a vital nucleus for future cooperative relationships in the cultural realm.

Year 2012
ConceptAnna Soucek, Annemarie Türk
PublisherEigenverlag KulturKontakt Austria
ISBN 978-3-901663-01-7
PintREMAprint Litteradruck
Format10,5 x 15 cm
Type Design, Packaging Design, Publication