We are on a quest for an intelligently and dynamically functioning “new town” and are thus trying to learn from the extant “old town.” To this end, the existing master plan is rescinded and the set parameters are formed solely by the determining, already existing, and new edges of street and railway embankment terrain or by the existing lines of traffic. The analysis of traffic routes, visual axes, and functions gives rise to a nexus into which flexible typologies are integrated. Here, the relations between the structures and area required for housing, labor, and industry is suitable for defining a formative urban trajectory through almost mathematical functions. A common denominator that takes into account both economic and ecological premises is arrived at by superimposing existing key figures with projected needs.
These definitive framework conditions are ascertained in a joint process of urban “overall agency,” that is, with all important protagonists, and then elaborated through intensive synergy to create spatial guidelines. Gaps define the fixed points, and surfaces are spanned through tangents and turning points which then develop into structures and open spaces.
The probability of successfully creating a new town is always tied to inadvertent interferences, which can, however, be controlled by the powers at play inside and outside. So this unpredictability or lack of planability is taken into consideration. Thus, an active scope of agency is vital in the defined master plans, leaving room for changes in the coming decades.