how it is

Worlds - Change - Perspectives Permanent exhibition in the Volkskundemuseum Graz

As part of STEIERMARK SCHAU, the exhibition “how it is” addresses current social issues, questions, structures and orientations that concern people today. It tells of living environments in times of change and social transformation in a dynamic and networked world. The focus is on people who live in Styria, spend time here or are connected to the province in other ways.

Year 2021
Auftraggeber Universalmuseum Joanneum
GestaltungBenedikt Haid, Heidi Pretterhofer, Michael Rieper
Team Beatrice Bucher, Christoph Bus, Christian Daschek, Emily Trummer, Helene Schauer, Alexander Seitlinger, Joanna Zabielska
Kuratierung VKM Birgit Johler
Leitung VKM Claudia Unger
TeamVKM Johannes Maier, Anita Nigelhell, Christiane Rainer, Walter Schweiger, Nikolaus Vodopivec, Patricia Wess
Type Architecture, Exhibition
MVD Michael Rieper