LINZ TEXAS – A City Relates

An exhibition by Linz 2009, European Capital of Culture, in cooperation with the Architekturzentrum Wien.

Linz, the capital of Upper Austria, is a prototypical “midsized town.” Its midline position between industry and culture, between economic hub and natural setting, along with Vienna and Salzburg as major tourist destinations, the town has recently shown a remarkable talent for reinventing itself. In 2009, Linz was the European Capital of Culture. This exceptional situation called for a new profile. From whom can Linz learn, and what can others learn from Linz? What does Linz have in common with Madrid, Wolfsburg, or Seattle? Which attributes does it share with Moscow, Manchester, or Davos? An urban road movie—to the end of the world—on a quest for the answer.
The exhibition “LINZ TEXAS” pursues an ambitious goal. The subtitle “A City Relates” references individual aspects and qualities of the city that connect Linz to obvious but also seemingly absurd aspects of other cities. This concept suddenly gives rise to an empathetic and atmospheric reading of the city which reaches far beyond the previously known methods of self-representation. An adventurous roundelay of comparison begins, replenishing the view of the city of Linz and its affiliations while also giving wing to fantasy.

Year 2008
ConceptnceptAngelika Fitz Dietmar Steiner | Az W, Martin Heller | Linz09
CuratorAngelika Fitz
Kuratorische AssistenzChristina Nägele
Exhibition architectureHeidi Pretterhofer, arquitectos
Shown inVienna Centre of Architecture
Graz City Museum
MVD Barbara Eisenköck, Christine Schmauszer, Michael Rieper