This transitional project was submitted in 2018 by the Viennese association “X-CHANGE culture-sience” as part of the EU programme CREATIVE EUROPE. There were several co-organisers: from AUstria, the TU-Wien; from Italy, Università luav di Venezia and University of Ferrara; and from Romania, Association Frontal. In addition to the European co-organsers, institutions from Indonesia and Thailand were also significally involved in the preoject.

In view of the rapid processes of social and climatic change worldwide, most traditional housing models seem outdated. Until the 20th century, residential construction was still based on the assumption that residents, organised in families, often worked and lived in the same place for their entire lives. However, the current upheavals in demographic development (birth rate, life expectancy, migration, etc.), in the world of work (restructuring of labour relations, etc.), in family structure (singles, single parents, patchwork families, etc.) and in social relationships (changing gender roles, etc.) are creating new models of living – in Europe as well as in South East Asia – which result in changed housing needs and thus require new forms and typologies of housing. Although these transformations and their consequences are a recurring theme, satisfactory solutions are still rare and the discussion of what future housing models could and should look like in the globalised 21st century – in their concrete material form as well as in their effects on the shape of urban agglomerations – is therefore still topical.

Year 2023
Address Dionysius Andrassy Str. 3/3, A-1190 Vienna
EditorTU Wien - Institut für Städtebau
EditorX-CHANGE culture-sience
Graphic DesignChristine Schmauszer, Michael Rieper
Type Print Design
MVD Christine Schmauszer, Michael Rieper