Madlyn Miessgang: Ein Busbahnhof für Wien

In a time of constant change, with nearly limitless travel possibilities, points of transit such as train stations, airports etc. increasingly gain in importance. These stations are not only spaces of arrival and departure, they are social spaces with real people. They can become temporary homes or leisure time, can offer spaces for public use, for social services of even shopping malls. In this thesis I mainly deal with international bus transport which in majority is covered by private enterprises. Looking at the bigger bus stations in greater detail, it is noticeable that the international bus transport in Vienna is dealt with very inadequately. I would like to take a closer look at these locations, in order to consequently devote myself to a personal design for such a place. In the beginning of my thesis I will devote a brief outline about the history of mobility in Europe with a focus on Vienna and its bus transportation, beside several international examples. In the course of my design, I subsequently deal with the use of the bus station and its necessary infrastructure, as well as various types of bus platforms and terminals. Further I examine several potential locations for a bus station in Vienna to subsequently find a site for the design of a new international bus station for Vienna.

Year 2016
Master thesisMadlyn Miessgang
TU Vienna
Institute of Urban Design and Landscape ArchitectureDepartment Urban Design
SupervisorsMichael Rieper, Markus Tomaselli
Type Teachings
MVD Madlyn Miessgang, Michael Rieper