Mountain and City: The Invention of the Schlossberg in Graz

The Schlossberg in Graz is not only the city’s most famous tourist attraction, but also a popular recreational destination for Graz residents themselves. It is both a natural wonder and an outlook over the city, but also one of the main stages of Graz’s town history. On the former bastion called Stallbastei, a new Schlossberg Museum could be established, which would enable visitors—alone, as couples, or as families—to stroll all year round in an enhanced, densified setting. The area could be transformed into a family-friendly experience sector, making the multifaceted nature of the Schlossberg experienceable through a four-part tour: from a study of the gardens to the stunning vistas, from a visit to the history museum to an immersion in depths of the mountain.

Year 2014
Address GrazMuseum, Sackstraße 18, 8010 Graz
ConceptOtto Hochreiter
In cooperation withkoerdtutech
Type Architecture, Design, Exhibition, Exhibition-design
MVD Irina Koerdt, Martin Embacher, Michael Rieper, Sanja Utech