Trade-Trade-Fair Stand for curated by_vienna: Tomorrow Today

Providing momentum for the gallery festival curated by_vienna 2015 were reflections about the interface between art and capital. The essay “Tomorrow Today” by the philosopher and literary scholar Armen Avanessian, which lent the festival its title, deals with artistic strategies for a postcapital era. Avanessian calls for future (and already existing) alternative models of art and economy.

International curators presented exhibitions on this topic in 20 selected Vienna galleries.

At the art fair viennacontemporary, curated by_vienna / Wirtschaftsagentur Wien was represented by a fair stand featuring seating steps.

Year 2015
Address Marx Halle, Karl-Farkas-Gasse 19, 1030 Vienna
In cooperation withkoerdtutech
Type Architecture, Exhibition
MVD Irina Koerdt, Madlyn Miessgang, Martin Embacher, Michael Rieper, Sanja Utech