Based on five milestones of self-organized and self-managed housing projects in Austria, this 75-minute documentary explores a variety of topics related to cooperative planning processes from 1975 to 2015.
Through interviews with participants and residents of these individual housing projects, the film not only examines their social and economic demands, and sociopolitical significance, but also provides insight into the small and large daily conflicts, discussions and benefits that life in a collective involves.
“For information on risks and side effects, please ask your residents.” [Colin Rowe]
Housing Projects in Austria:
– Projekt Kooperatives Wohnen, Graz-Raaba, 1979
– Terrassenhaussiedlung, Graz, 1975
– Ökosiedlung Gärtnerhof, Gänserndorf, 1988
– Cohousing Lebensraum, Gänserndorf, 2005
– Wohnprojekt Wien, 2014
– Willy*Fred, Linz, 2015